Videoslots Casino might be an industry leader setting the bar to an all-new high, but we know that could not reach anything of the sort if it were not for our employees. But that does bring a question – what makes Videoslots truly an employer of choice? After all, you might know how the iGaming industry is one of the fastest growing both locally here in Malta and internationally, bringing about significant growth through both revenue and job opportunities. So, what makes our company the right choice for you? Of course, we can tell you about our impressive Employee Value Proposition – and don’t worry, we will – but we might as well start from the beginning and point out our home island of Malta, and how it turned itself into the ideal location for the iGaming industry.

Why Malta?
First off, why move to Malta in the first place? This island has proven itself the right place for the iGaming industry, being described as a jurisdiction of primary establishment for most operators within the industry. For the interested, Malta offers online gambling operators licenses designed as a solution to regulate, rather than restrict, the affairs of the industry. This makes for a transparent approach that ensures a safe and well-regulated market.
That said, as an employee you are perhaps more interested in the personal benefits the island can bring. And just as well, since Malta’s central Mediterranean location brings a warm and sunny climate with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year! It also offers easy accessibility to all manner of leisure and entertainment, as well as numerous on-going activities around the islands. The result is strong work-life balance, with numerous beaches for relaxation and partying during the summer. English is an official language, and the island has reliable flight connections across the European continent.

Roles in the iGaming Industry
The iGaming industry has a different set of roles that need to be filled if the company wants to operate. As such, here at Videoslots we need sufficient staff able to understand, adapt and implement changes for the benefit of the running of the company. We need skilled and qualified individuals across various fields. The Product team houses a diverse group working in casino, product, UX and graphic design roles. IT keeps Videoslots running as it works in the background on a number of complex issues relating to our infrastructure, while the cross-functional development teams own and drive the continuous improvement of our products as it remains on the lookout for new technologies. Legal & Compliance keeps our business out of trouble by ensuring regulatory compliance, and the front liners of the Responsible Gaming team advises and guides players on how to have fun in a safe manner. Finance makes sure all third parties and our people get paid on time and Payment & Risk protects Videoslots from fraudsters. The Marketing department handles advertising, acquisition, communications and customer relations and the product-savvy team at Customer Service answers customer queries and finds solutions to their challenges. Currently these teams have nearly 200 employees from 33 nationalities, with an average age of 31 and an average of 2 years of service.
Employee Benefits at Videoslots
But of course, you might be wondering – what would make one want to join any of the Videoslots teams? Glad you asked, since this company offers a full package of Smashing Benefits. First off, we are firm believers in talent, no matter where in the world it is found. That is why we offer a relocation package that, if you bring what we are looking for, we will get you to Malta and provide you with a place to stay for your first two weeks. All members of staff get a private health insurance plans, ensuring you are in safe hands. This insurance covers your person, but you can also add partners and children (up to 18 years old) at your own cost by benefitting from the excellent rates we have negotiated. We also offer a wellness allowance that covers the different activities that nourish one’s mind, body and soul. This totals 300 euros and can be used for a whole range of items. In fact, the list includes gym memberships, sports equipment, personal trainer, nutritionist, music or dance lessons, spa treatments, massages, help to stop smoking, mindfulness, language lessons, swimming and even books, e-books and your Spotify membership!
In the case you want to further your career, our Professional Development Support programme brings training or courses through our HR team.
Through our Talent Development culture staff can access a range of training and development opportunities that fall in four broad categories. These can improve the skills of an employee in their current positions, lead to professional or academic qualification, have a specific management or supervisory focus and, last but not least, health and safety training. Employees going through such training will be coached and mentored by their line managers, who have a responsibility to ensure the skills and knowledge of more experienced team members are shared with more junior colleagues. We also plan to release further exciting details in this regard, so make sure to keep following us if you want to learn more!
Since we are firm believes in work-life balance, we have a flexi-time system that lets you start working anywhere between 8 and 10am. That said you might want to come in a bit earlier on Wednesdays and Fridays, since that is when hot and cold breakfasts are supplied! Speaking of treats, employees are kept fuelled at all time with daily fresh fruit, teas, coffee and snacks. If you are working a night shift, don’t worry – we provide free transport to ensure you get home safe and sound!
It is also important to recharge your batteries, which is why Videoslots team members get 27 days of annual leave, plus public holidays. In the case you are working on a public holiday you get it back! You can also carry over holidays from one year to the next, so long they are used by no later than 31st March. Newlyweds get an additional 2 days of marriage leave that are above the statutory amount, meaning you can extend the honeymoon period, while parental leave is also more than the statutory amount. Fathers and partners can benefit from up to 2 weeks paid leave on the birth of a new addition to the family, and you can use up to 5 days of sick leave to take care of a sick child up to 13 years of age. Finally, you get a day of leave for your birthday!
Team members also have the chance to attend the annual company Summer and Winter parties, which always promise to be fun and exciting. In addition to this, your team gets a 50 euro per person budget for use in team building activities every quarter, and everyone is encouraged to suggest exciting options for these. When it comes to corporate social responsibility, one day every year is granted to small teams of people who decide to join our sponsored Volunteer Day. This is dedicated to a worthwhile cause in Malta and helps Videoslots team members give something back to the community we live and work in.
In case you were wondering about employee engagement, we organise a monthly Beer Friday to get employees to know each other, as well as team members outside their own departments. You can also get party tickets for some of the best venues on the island together with membership at MedAsia Playa, allowing you to enjoy the sun and sea during the wonderful summer months. We also regularly organise fun activities throughout the year for all to enjoy and last, but not least, all employees who have celebrated 3 years of service with us get to join a fabulous, all expenses paid company trip abroad!

We hope you will have a great experience working here at Videoslots Casino, and if you have any suggestions to help us further improve do let us know. We realise things might have changed somewhat over the past year, but we hope things return to normal sooner, not later. Until then check out what positions we have on offer right here on this site, and if you get the job hope to see you here at the office!